Boom Bust Boom

Director: Bill Jones, Terry Jones, Ben Timlett
Running Time: 74
Theatrical Release Date: March 11, 2016
Terry Jones (Monty Python) mixes expert insight, animation, puppetry and song to explain economics to everyone. Why do crashes keep happening? Why are students taught crashes don't occur? Do you shop for grapes like a Puerto Rican monkey?
Terry Jones (Monty Python) mixes expert insight, animation, puppetry and song to explain economics to everyone. Why do crashes keep happening? Why are students taught crashes don't occur? Do you shop for grapes like a Puerto Rican monkey?
  • Terry Jones
  • Paul Krugman
  • John Cusack
  • Daniel Kahneman
  • John Cassidy
  • Paul Mason
  • Robert J. Shiller
  • Laurie Santos